School Improvement Plan
Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safe & Thriving
Strategic Plan Outcome: Every Student Feels Safe
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students reporting they feel safe, welcome, and accepted at school.
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): The number of students who report they feel safe, welcome and accepted at school will increase from 85% in 2022-23 to 89% in 2023-24 as measured by the spring student survey.
Strategic Plan Strategy: Create school-wide structures that intentionally build safe and inclusive learning environments
- Action: Action: Staff members will utilize community circles and class meetings to create inclusive community spaces of belonging that nurture both individual identities and a group culture of care.
- Action: School will create a formative assessment given twice a year related to our strategic plan measure. They will be asked to share what, if anything, is preventing them from feeling safe, welcome and accepted.
- Action: Strengthen fidelity of teaching SEL curriculum schoolwide. Build connections between our Kindness in the Classroom curriculum, social studies curriculum, Great Body Shop, counseling lessons and classroom practices.
Action: Action: Staff members will utilize community circles and class meetings to create inclusive community spaces of belonging that nurture both individual identities and a group culture of care.
Action: School will create a formative assessment given twice a year related to our strategic plan measure. They will be asked to share what, if anything, is preventing them from feeling safe, welcome and accepted.
Action: Strengthen fidelity of teaching SEL curriculum schoolwide. Build connections between our Kindness in the Classroom curriculum, social studies curriculum, Great Body Shop, counseling lessons and classroom practices.
Strategic Plan Goal Area 3: Progress on Standards
Strategic Plan Outcome: 01. All students demonstrate progress toward, and achievement, of the standards
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students in grades 3-8 demonstrating proficiency on the state ELA test
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): The number of students who demonstrate proficiency on state ELA tests in grades 3-5 will increase from 58.6% in 2022-23 to 67% in 2023-24 as measured by the state assessment.
Strategic Plan Strategy: Implement strong multi-tiered systems of support for students' academic needs
- Action: Target striving readers who will need Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention. Provide pre-assessments for all learners in grades K-5 in September. Design "Book Club" interventions based on specific student needs and revisit throughout the year.
- Action: Provide regular collaboration time for teachers to progress monitor in partnership with Academic Coach.
- Action: Grow best practices in Tier 1 literacy instruction, including differentiated support of English language learners and striving readers, as well as opportunities for all students to develop oral language skills.
- Action: In Grades 3, 4, 5, be strategic and supportive about providing all students opportunities to learn and practice test-taking strategies, both before the test and within the computerized environment.